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Measurement Webhooks

Multiple Webhooks

Multiple Webhooks can be added at the same time. The default behavior is for measurements to be sent to all Webhooks.

Device Specific Webhooks

Users can configure devices to only POST to a single, user-selected Webhook using the measurement_webhook_id Device Property. See Using Device Properties with Webhooks for more information.

Multiple Metrics & Post as Array

For devices that measure multiple metrics simultaneously (e.g. BPMs measure both blood_pressure and pulse metrics in a single physical reading), webhooks can be configured to either send two separate POST requests for each measurement, or a single POST request with all simultaneous measurements included in a JSON array.

Combining multiple measurement webhooks into a single payload using Post as Array

For either option, the timestamp field will be identical for coincident measurements. If multiple measurements of the same type are reported with the same timestamp, clients can use the measurement_index value included in the filter_params field to identify coincident measurements.

Examples of Posting as an array can be found in our FAQs.

Measurement Webhook Structure

metricThe type of metric. See the Device Overview documentation for a list of valid metrics for each of our devices.
device_nameThe name of the device
hwi_device_idThe unique id returned when activating a HWI Device. This can be used to identify measurements by activated HWI Devices
patient_idThe internal patient ID associated with this device, if it was provided when the device was requested (see Activating Devices)
hardware_uuidA unique identifier associated with the Tenovi Gateway (printed on the back). This is primarily useful for troubleshooting, or if a replacement Gateway is needed (Tenovi must be provided the old ID so they can replace it with the new ID after a replacement unit is shipped out).

Do NOT use this field to associate measurements with a patient, as it will change if a Gateway is replaced.
sensor_codeThe sensor code of the device (see Activating Devices for valid sensor codes)
value_1A first measurement value (formatted as a numeric string with 2 decimal places). See the Device Overview documentation for the values associated with each metric type.
value_2A second measurement value (also formatted as a numeric string with 2 decimal places). See the Device Overview documentation for the secondary values associated with each metric type.
createdA timestamp (in UTC) of when the measurement was RECEIVED by our server in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.ssssssZ format.
timestampA timestamp (in UTC) of when the measurement was TAKEN (as measured by the device) in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.ssssssZ format.
timezone_offsetOffset (in hours) between timezone where measurement was taken and UTC. Can be negative.
estimated_timestampBoolean indicating if the timestamp field is an algorithmic estimate, which is used if the timestamp reported by the sensor device was in an invalid range. See FAQ for more details.
filter_paramsA json object with any additional context information in key-value pairs. See the Device Overview documentation for the possible filter_param values associated with each Device type.

Example JSON Payload

"metric": "blood_pressure",
"device_name": "Tenovi BPM – L",
"hwi_device_id": "12345678-abcd-1234-abcd-1234567890ab",
"patient_id": "12345678-1234-12345678",
"hardware_uuid": "fed091a643ff",
"sensor_code": "10",
"value_1": "120.00",
"value_2": "80.00",
"created": "2021-01-15T12:15:20.123597Z",
"timestamp": "2021-01-15T12:14:49.000000Z",
"timezone_offset": -7,
"estimated_timestamp": false,
"filter_params": {
"measurement_index": 15