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Typical Dataflow

The following describes how data typically flows (with measurment metrics and fulfillment updates) when working with the HWI API. It is highly recommended to make use of webhooks, however, the API also has a series of GET requests that can also be used to get this data.

Measurement Data

Using webhooks, you can receive measurement data in near real-time. When working with Bluetooth enabled devices that connect to the Tenovi Gateway, data typically flows:

  1. Measurement is taken on a device and data is transmitted to the Tenovi Gateway
  2. The Tenovi Gateway transmits data to Tenovi servers
  3. Tenovi servers relay the data out to webhooks you define

There are some exceptions to this data flow depending on the device. The Tenovi Watch for example offloads data at set times throughout the day. You can get more information on these exceptions on our Device Overview page.

If you are using a cellular enabled device without the use of a Tenovi Gateway, your data will flow directly from the device and up to Tenovi servers, before being relayed out to your webhooks.

Fulfillment Data

When working with devices that are dropshipped from Tenovi, you can expect to get updates on your fulfillment request throughout the device’s journey to the patient. You will receive status updates to your fulfillment webhooks when:

  1. Shipped - the order is on it’s way through our shipment carriers
  2. Delivered - the order has arrived with the patient but no measurements have been taken yet
  3. Connected - the patient has taken their first measurement
  4. Replaced - the device has been replaced (the new hardware_uuid will be included, if applicable)
  5. Unlinked - the device has been unlinked (data will stop flowing and monthly charges will be halted)

More details on our fulfillment process can be found on our Fulfillment Webhooks document.