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Testing Webhooks

To aid in development and debugging issues with webhooks, Tenovi has two methods for testing webhooks: using the Tenovi web app, and through API calls.

Test Data via Tenovi Web App

When you log into the Tenovi web app, on the client home screen you can generate API keys and define webhooks for both measurements and fulfillment. For both these types of webhooks, there is a send test data button that will open a modal.

Sending test data to your webhooks from the Client Home screen of the Tenovi web app

Here you can set some basic data points you wish to send to your webhooks. This enables developers to test and integrate with the Tenovi API without the need to place many test orders or take many measurements on specific devices.

Test Data via API

For more granular control over the type of test data sent to your servers, you can make use of a series of API calls.

  1. GET webhooks will retrieve a list of webhooks you have defined for your integration. This includes a UUID for each of your webhooks
  2. Using a UUID of a webhook you can then request a test JSON payload be sent to a specific webhook using POST test-webhooks

This method allows for you to set very granular test data points to aid you in getting better coverage in your API integration.