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Tenovi Device Overview

This page provides detailed technical information for all of the devices Tenovi currently supports regarding how data is stored and transmitted, the types of measurement and metadata collected, and any configuration options available.

Tenovi offers two main types of devices: Gateway-Connected devices, which use our proprietary Tenovi Gateway to automate the transfer of data from one or more devices while providing clear visual cues to patients to indicate if a reading has been taken for the current day, and Direct-Celluar devices, which send data directly to Tenovi’s servers. The preferred device type depends on several factors, so we strongly recommend you speak with your Business Development Rep to determine which devices best suit your specific needs.

Each of these devices can be ordered using API calls, via the Tenovi Web App, or by speaking with your Business Development Rep.

Gateway-Connected Devices

The following is a list of Tenovi’s Gateway-Connected Devices. Each Tenovi Gateway has a unique, 12-digit hexidecimal code assigned to it (printed on the Gateway and on the outer packaging). To activate a Gateway-Connected device, you must set its “hardware_uuid” to this Gateway ID. All incoming measurement data from that device will be tagged with this Gateway ID as well.

Tenovi BPM

  • Data Transfer: Via Tenovi Gateway, whenever a reading is taken
  • Sensor Code: 10
  • On-Device Measurement Storage: Yes – measurements taken outside of range of the Tenovi Gateway will be saved locally and uploaded the next time the Gateway is in range.
  • Supports tracking multiple devices per gateway via Sensor IDs: No – only one device with this Sensor Code can be assigned to a gateway at one time.
  • Other Notes: Multiple cuff sizes available; selected via Device Name (e.g. Tenovi BPM – L or Tenovi BPM – S)


NameAPI FormatValue 1Value 2Vital
Blood Pressureblood_pressureSystolic BP (mmHG)Diastolic BPM (mmHG)
Heart RatepulsePulse (beats/minute)N/A
Irregular Heartbeatirregular_heartbeat1 (measurement is only sent if an irregular heartbeat is detected)N/A
Battery Levelbattery_percentageBattery Life (%)N/A

Additional Data Included in Filter Params

KeyPossible ValuesDescription
measurement_indexAny Positive IntegerAn index value that can be used to identify if a Blood Pressure and Pulse measurement with the same timestamp were captured in the same physical reading. Not globally unique across all physical readings.

Additional Parameters That Can be Set Via Device Properties

KeyPossible ValuesDescription
measurement_webhook_idWebhook UUIDSet this property to configure a Device to only send measurement data to a single Webhook (specified by that Webhook’s ID).

Tenovi Pulse Ox (POx)

  • Data Transfer: Via Tenovi Gateway, whenever a reading is taken
  • Sensor Code: 11
  • On-Device Measurement Storage: No – measurements taken outside of range of the Tenovi Gateway will NOT be saved locally.
  • Supports tracking multiple devices per gateway via Sensor IDs: No – only one device with this Sensor Code can be assigned to a gateway at one time.


NameAPI FormatValue 1Value 2Is Vital?*
Blood OxygenspO2Oxygen Saturation (%)Standard Deviation (N/A)
Heart RatepulsePulse (beats/minute)Standard Deviation (N/A)
Perfusion Indexperfusion_indexPerfusion Index (%)Standard Deviation (N/A)

Additional Data Included in Filter Params

KeyPossible ValuesDescription
measurement_indexAny Positive IntegerAn index value that can be used to identify if a Blood Pressure and Pulse measurement with the same timestamp were captured in the same physical reading. Not globally unique across all physical readings.

Additional Parameters That Can be Set Via Device Properties

KeyPossible ValuesDescription
measurement_webhook_idWebhook UUIDSet this property to configure a Device to only send measurement data to a single Webhook (specified by that Webhook’s ID).

Tenovi Glucometer (BGM)

  • Data Transfer: Via Tenovi Gateway, whenever a reading is taken.
  • Sensor Code: 12
  • On-Device Measurement Storage: Yes – measurements taken outside of range of the Tenovi Gateway will be saved locally and uploaded the next time the Gateway is in range.
  • Supports tracking multiple devices per gateway via Sensor IDs: No – only one device with this Sensor Code can be assigned to a gateway at one time.


NameAPI FormatValue 1Value 2Is Vital?*
Blood GlucoseglucoseGlucose Level (in mg/dL)N/A
Battery Levelbattery_percentageBattery Life (%)N/A

Additional Data Included in Filter Params

KeyPossible ValuesDescription
alertsensor_result_above_rangeAn alert flag that is only included if an out-of-range reading is detected.
meal_contextpre-prandial, post-prandial, fastingContextual data entered by the end user to indicate if the reading was taken before a meal, after a meal, or while fasting.
measurement_locationfinger, alternative site,earlobe,control solution,N/AContextual data entered by the end user to indicate where the blood sample used for this measurement was collected from.

Additional Parameters That Can be Set Via Device Properties

KeyPossible ValuesDescription
measurement_webhook_idWebhook UUIDSet this property to configure a Device to only send measurement data to a single Webhook (specified by that Webhook’s ID).

Tenovi Scale

  • Data Transfer: Via Tenovi Gateway, whenever a reading is taken.
  • Sensor Code: 13
  • On-Device Measurement Storage: No – measurements taken outside of range of the Tenovi Gateway will NOT be saved locally.
  • Supports tracking multiple devices per gateway via Sensor IDs: No – only one device with this Sensor Code can be assigned to a gateway at one time.


NameAPI FormatValue 1Value 2Is Vital?*
WeightweightWeight (in US pounds)N/A
Battery Levelbattery_percentageBattery Life (%)N/A

Additional Parameters That Can be Set Via Device Properties

KeyPossible ValuesDescription
measurement_webhook_idWebhook UUIDSet this property to configure a Device to only send measurement data to a single Webhook (specified by that Webhook’s ID).

Tenovi Thermometer

  • Data Transfer: Via Tenovi Gateway, whenever a reading is taken.
  • Sensor Code: 14
  • On-Device Measurement Storage: No– measurements taken outside of range of the Tenovi Gateway will NOT be saved locally.
  • Supports tracking multiple devices per gateway via Sensor IDs: No – only one device with this Sensor Code can be assigned to a gateway at one time.


NameAPI FormatValue 1Value 2Is Vital?*
TemperaturetemperatureTemperature (in °F)N/A
Battery Levelbattery_percentageBattery Life (%)N/A

Additional Parameters That Can be Set Via Device Properties

KeyPossible ValuesDescription
measurement_webhook_idWebhook UUIDSet this property to configure a Device to only send measurement data to a single Webhook (specified by that Webhook’s ID).

Tenovi Watch

  • Data Transfer: Via Tenovi Gateway, once per day.
  • Sensor Code: 15
  • On-Device Measurement Storage: Yes – data is stored locally on the Tenovi Watch and uploaded once per day when the Tenovi Gateway is in range.
  • Supports tracking multiple devices per gateway via Sensor IDs: No – only one device with this Sensor Code can be assigned to a gateway at one time.


NameAPI FormatValue 1Value 2Is Vital?*
StepsstepsHourly Steps (steps)N/A
Heart Rate Statisticsheart_rate_statisticsAverage Pulse (bpm)Maximum Pulse (bpm)
SleepsleepHours of Sleep (hours)N/A
Battery Levelbattery_percentageBattery Life (%)N/A

Additional Data Included in Filter Params

KeyPossible ValuesDescription
average_heart_rate*Positive IntegerThe average heart rate (in bpm) during the relevant hour (equivalent to Value 1)
max_heart_rate*Positive IntegerThe maximum heart rate (in bpm) during the relevant hour (equivalent to Value 2)
min_heart_rate*Positive IntegerThe minimum heart rate (in bpm) during the relevant hour

Additional Parameters That Can be Set Via Device Properties

KeyPossible ValuesDescription
step_goalPositive IntegerThe daily step goal that will be indicated to users on their watch screen.
measurement_webhook_idWebhook UUIDSet this property to configure a Device to only send measurement data to a single Webhook (specified by that Webhook’s ID).

Tenovi Peak Flow Meter (PFM)

  • Data Transfer: Via Tenovi Gateway, whenever a reading is taken.
  • Sensor Code: 17
  • On-Device Measurement Storage: No– measurements taken outside of range of the Tenovi Gateway will NOT be saved locally.
  • Supports tracking multiple devices per gateway via Sensor IDs: No – only one device with this Sensor Code can be assigned to a gateway at one time.


NameAPI FormatValue 1Value 2Is Vital?*
PEFpeak_expiratory_flowPEF (in L/min)N/A
FEVforced_expiratory_volumeFEV (in L)N/A

Additional Data Included in Filter Params

KeyPossible ValuesDescription
measurement_indexAny Positive IntegerAn index value that can be used to identify if a Blood Pressure and Pulse measurement with the same timestamp were captured in the same physical reading. Not globally unique across all physical readings.

Additional Parameters That Can be Set Via Device Properties

KeyPossible ValuesDescription
measurement_webhook_idWebhook UUIDSet this property to configure a Device to only send measurement data to a single Webhook (specified by that Webhook’s ID).

Tenovi Pillbox

  • Data Transfer: Via Tenovi Gateway, whenever a compartment is opened or a refill event occurs.
  • Sensor Code: 21
  • On-Device Measurement Storage: YES – events recorded outside of range of the Tenovi Gateway will be saved locally and transmitted the next time the Gateway is in range.
  • Supports tracking multiple devices per gateway via Sensor IDs: No – only one device with this Sensor Code can be assigned to a gateway at one time.


NameAPI FormatValue 1Value 2Is Vital?*
Open Eventpillbox_openedDay of Compartment(1=Sun, 7=Sat)AM vs PM Compartment (1=AM, 2=PM)
Refill Initiatedpillbox_refill_initiated1 (N/A)0 (N/A)
Compartement Refilledpillbox_refilledDay of Compartment(1=Sun, 7=Sat)AM vs PM Compartment (1=AM, 2=PM)
Battery Levelbattery_percentageBattery Life (%)N/A

Additional Data Included in Filter Params

KeyPossible ValuesDescription
compartmentSunday AM, Sunday PM,Monday AM, etc.A human-readable indication of the compartment opened (only included in Open Events)

Additional Parameters That Can be Set Via Device Properties

KeyPossible ValuesDescription
measurement_webhook_idWebhook UUIDSet this property to configure a Device to only send measurement data to a single Webhook (specified by that Webhook’s ID).

Omron BPM / Omron Wrist BPM

  • Data Transfer: Via Tenovi Gateway, whenever a reading is taken
  • Sensor Code: 10
  • On-Device Measurement Storage: Yes – measurements taken outside of range of the Tenovi Gateway will be saved locally and uploaded the next time the Gateway is in range.
  • Supports tracking multiple devices per gateway via Sensor IDs: No – only one device with this Sensor Code can be assigned to a gateway at one time.


NameAPI FormatValue 1Value 2Is Vital?*
Blood Pressureblood_pressureSystolic BP (mmHG)Diastolic BPM (mmHG)
Heart RatepulsePulse (beats/minute)N/A
Battery Levelbattery_percentageBattery Life (%)N/A

Additional Data Included in Filter Params

KeyPossible ValuesDescription
measurement_indexAny Positive IntegerAn index value that can be used to identify if a Blood Pressure and Pulse measurement with the same timestamp were captured in the same physical reading. Not globally unique across all physical readings.

Additional Parameters That Can be Set Via Device Properties

KeyPossible ValuesDescription
measurement_webhook_idWebhook UUIDSet this property to configure a Device to only send measurement data to a single Webhook (specified by that Webhook’s ID).

Trividia Glucometer

  • Data Transfer: Via Tenovi Gateway, whenever a reading is taken.
  • Sensor Code: 12
  • On-Device Measurement Storage: Yes – measurements taken outside of range of the Tenovi Gateway will be saved locally and uploaded the next time the Gateway is in range.
  • Supports tracking multiple devices per gateway via Sensor IDs: No – only one device with this Sensor Code can be assigned to a gateway at one time.
  • Other Notes: This device must be bonded to the Tenovi Gateway. To do this, you must set the Bluetooth Passkey property, either via API (see below), or via the Client Devices dashboard.


NameAPI FormatValue 1Value 2Is Vital?*
Blood GlucoseglucoseGlucose Level (in mg/dL)N/A
Battery Levelbattery_percentageBattery Life (%)N/A

Additional Data Included in Filter Params

KeyPossible ValuesDescription
alertsensor_result_above_rangeAn alert flag that is only included if an out-of-range reading is detected.
meal_contextpre-prandial, post-prandial, fastingContextual data entered by the end user to indicate if the reading was taken before a meal, after a meal, or while fasting.
measurement_locationfinger,alternative site,earlobe,control solution,N/AContextual data entered by the end user to indicate where the blood sample used for this measurement was collected from.

Additional Parameters That Can be Set Via Device Properties

KeyPossible ValuesDescription
bluetooth_passkeyNumerical Bluetooth PasskeySet this property to allow the Gateway to automatically bond to a specific Trividia Glucometer. For these devices, the Bluetooth Passkey is the last 6 digits of the Serial Number printed on the label. More information can be found in our Bring Your Own Device Guide.
measurement_webhook_idWebhook UUIDSet this property to configure a Device to only send measurement data to a single Webhook (specified by that Webhook’s ID).

Direct-Celluar Devices

The following is a list of Tenovi’s Direct-Celluar devices. To activate a Direct-Celluar device, you must set its “hardware_uuid” to the IMEI (or other unique identifier) that is printed on the device and outer packaging.

Tenovi Cellular BPM

  • Data Transfer: Via Direct Cellular Connection, whenever a reading is taken
  • Sensor Code: N/A
  • On-Device Measurement Storage: Yes – measurements taken outside of range of a cellular network will be saved locally and uploaded the next time a cellular connection is established.
  • Supports tracking multiple devices per gateway via Sensor IDs: N/A


NameAPI FormatValue 1Value 2Is Vital?*
Blood Pressureblood_pressureSystolic BP (mmHG)Diastolic BPM (mmHG)
Heart RatepulsePulse (beats/min)N/A
IrregularHeartbeat Eventirregular_heartbeat1 (N/A)N/A
Battery Levelbattery_percentageBattery Life (%)N/A

Additional Parameters That Can be Set Via Device Properties

KeyPossible ValuesDescription
measurement_webhook_idWebhook UUIDSet this property to configure a Device to only send measurement data to a single Webhook (specified by that Webhook’s ID).

Tenovi Cellular Glucometer (BGM)

  • Data Transfer: Via Direct Cellular Connection, whenever a reading is taken
  • Sensor Code: N/A
  • On-Device Measurement Storage: Yes – measurements taken outside of range of a cellular network will be saved locally and uploaded the next time a cellular connection is established.
  • Supports tracking multiple devices per gateway via Sensor IDs: N/A


NameAPI FormatValue 1Value 2Is Vital?*
Blood GlucoseglucoseGlucose Level (mg/dL)N/A
Battery Levelbattery_percentageBattery Life (%)N/A

Additional Parameters That Can be Set Via Device Properties

KeyPossible ValuesDescription
measurement_webhook_idWebhook UUIDSet this property to configure a Device to only send measurement data to a single Webhook (specified by that Webhook’s ID).

Tenovi Cellular Scale

  • Data Transfer: Via Direct Cellular Connection, whenever a reading is taken
  • Sensor Code: N/A
  • On-Device Measurement Storage: Yes – measurements taken outside of range of a cellular network will be saved locally and uploaded the next time a cellular connection is established.
  • Supports tracking multiple devices per gateway via Sensor IDs: N/A


NameAPI FormatValue 1Value 2Is Vital?*
WeightweightWeight (US pounds)N/A
Battery Levelbattery_percentageBattery Life (%)N/A

Additional Parameters That Can be Set Via Device Properties

KeyPossible ValuesDescription
measurement_webhook_idWebhook UUIDSet this property to configure a Device to only send measurement data to a single Webhook (specified by that Webhook’s ID).

Tenovi Cellular Pulse Ox (POx)

  • Data Transfer: Via Direct Cellular Connection, whenever a reading is taken
  • Sensor Code: N/A
  • On-Device Measurement Storage: No – measurements taken outside of range of a Cellular network will NOT be saved locally.
  • Supports tracking multiple devices per gateway via Sensor IDs: N/A


NameAPI FormatValue 1Value 2Is Vital?*
Blood OxygenspO2Oxygen Saturation (%)Standard Deviation (N/A)
Heart RatepulsePulse (beats/minute)Standard Deviation (N/A)
Perfusion Indexperfusion_indexPerfusion Index (%)Standard Deviation (N/A)

Additional Parameters That Can be Set Via Device Properties

KeyPossible ValuesDescription
measurement_webhook_idWebhook UUIDSet this property to configure a Device to only send measurement data to a single Webhook (specified by that Webhook’s ID).

Coming Soon Devices

These devices will be ready to order in the near future. For more accurate timelines on device availablility, speak to your Customer Success Manager or Business Development Rep.


  • Data Transfer: Via Tenovi Gateway, whenever a reading is taken
  • Sensor Code: 35
  • On-Device Measurement Storage: Yes – measurements taken outside of range of the Tenovi Gateway will be saved locally and uploaded the next time the Gateway is in range.
  • Supports tracking multiple devices per gateway via Sensor IDs: No – only one device with this Sensor Code can be assigned to a gateway at one time.


NameAPI FormatValue 1Value 2Is Vital?*
Blood Pressureblood_pressureSystolic BP (mmHG)Diastolic BPM (mmHG)
Heart RatepulsePulse (beats/minute)N/A
Irregular Heartbeatirregular_heartbeat1 (measurement is only sent if an irregular heartbeat is detected)N/A
Battery Levelbattery_percentageBattery Life (%)N/A

Additional Data Included in Filter Params

KeyPossible ValuesDescription
measurement_indexAny Positive IntegerAn index value that can be used to identify if a Blood Pressure and Pulse measurement with the same timestamp were captured in the same physical reading. Not globally unique across all physical readings.

Additional Parameters That Can be Set Via Device Properties

KeyPossible ValuesDescription
measurement_webhook_idWebhook UUIDSet this property to configure a Device to only send measurement data to a single Webhook (specified by that Webhook’s ID).

A&D Scale

  • Data Transfer: Via Tenovi Gateway, whenever a reading is taken.
  • Sensor Code: 34
  • On-Device Measurement Storage: Yes – measurements taken outside of range of the Tenovi Gateway will be saved locally and uploaded the next time the Gateway is in range.
  • Supports tracking multiple devices per gateway via Sensor IDs: No – only one device with this Sensor Code can be assigned to a gateway at one time.


NameAPI FormatValue 1Value 2Is Vital?*
WeightweightWeight (in US pounds)N/A
Battery Levelbattery_percentageBattery Life (%)N/A

Additional Parameters That Can be Set Via Device Properties

KeyPossible ValuesDescription
measurement_webhook_idWebhook UUIDSet this property to configure a Device to only send measurement data to a single Webhook (specified by that Webhook’s ID).

A&D XL Scale

  • Data Transfer: Via Tenovi Gateway, whenever a reading is taken.
  • Sensor Code: 34
  • On-Device Measurement Storage: Yes – measurements taken outside of range of the Tenovi Gateway will be saved locally and uploaded the next time the Gateway is in range.
  • Supports tracking multiple devices per gateway via Sensor IDs: No – only one device with this Sensor Code can be assigned to a gateway at one time.


NameAPI FormatValue 1Value 2Is Vital?*
WeightweightWeight (in US pounds)N/A
Battery Levelbattery_percentageBattery Life (%)N/A

Additional Parameters That Can be Set Via Device Properties

KeyPossible ValuesDescription
measurement_webhook_idWebhook UUIDSet this property to configure a Device to only send measurement data to a single Webhook (specified by that Webhook’s ID).

Hailie Sensor

  • Data Transfer: Via Tenovi Gateway, whenever a reading is taken
  • Sensor Code: 25
  • On-Device Measurement Storage: Yes – measurements taken outside of range of the Tenovi Gateway will be saved locally and uploaded the next time the Gateway is in range.
  • Supports tracking multiple devices per gateway via Sensor IDs: Yes (required) – the Hailie Sensor’s Serial No must be included as the sensor_id when activating new devices. Measurements will be linked to the Client Devices with the Serial No of the physical device used.


NameAPI FormatValue 1Value 2Is Vital?*
Hailie Medication Eventhailie_medication_event1N/A
Low Battery Eventlow_battery_event1 or 0 (critical/low)N/A
Hailie Turbohaler Rotation Eventhailie_turbohaler_rotation_event1 or 0 (click/non-click)N/A
Hailie Respiratory Flow Loghailie_respiratory_flow_logMax Flow Rate (L/M)Avg Flow Rate (L/M)
Hailie Respiratory Timing Loghailie_respiratory_timing_logDuration (s)Time to Peak (s)
Hailie Shake Detection Eventhailie_shake_detection_event1 or 0 (valid shake or not)Shake Duration (s)
Hailie Inhaler Installed Eventhailie_inhaler_installed_event1 or 0 (installed or removed)N/A
Hailie Medication Cap Eventhailie_medication_cap_event1 or 0 (cap on/cap off)N/A

Additional Data Included in Filter Params

KeyPossible ValuesDescription
angleNA0 to 22.5
22.5 to 45
45 to 67.5
67.5 to 90
90 to 112.5
112.5 to 135
135 to 157.5
157.5 to 180
The angle the device was in when the medication log was stored
flagskey-value pairsVariable vendor-defined flags (depending on metric type):hailie_respiratory_flow_log:inhalation_valid: 0/1flow_error: 0/1exhalation_detected: 0/1hailie_shake_detection_event:shake_intensity: positive integerhailie_medication_event or halie_turbohaler_rotation_event:respiration_enabled: 0/1orientation_enabled: 0/1orientation_stored: 0/1orientation_valid: 0/1 
serial_number6 to 8 alphanumeric charactersSerial number of the sensor associated with the event
device_log_indexAny Positive IntegerAn index value provided by the Hailie Sensor that can be used to identify if a reading is unique or a duplicate of a previous reading.

Additional Parameters That Can be Set Via Device Properties

KeyPossible ValuesDescription
measurement_webhook_idWebhook UUIDSet this property to configure a Device to only send measurement data to a single Webhook (specified by that Webhook’s ID).

Nonin Pulse Ox (POx)

  • Data Transfer: Via Tenovi Gateway, whenever a reading is taken
  • Sensor Code: 24
  • On-Device Measurement Storage: Yes – measurements taken outside of range of the Tenovi Gateway will be saved locally and uploaded the next time the Gateway is in range.
  • Supports tracking multiple devices per gateway via Sensor IDs: No – only one device with this Sensor Code can be assigned to a gateway at one time.


NameAPI FormatValue 1Value 2Is Vital?*
Blood OxygenspO2Oxygen Saturation (%)N/A
Heart RatepulsePulse (beats/minute)N/A
Perfusion Indexperfusion_indexPerfusion Index (%)N/A
Battery Levelbattery_percentageBattery Life (%)N/A

Additional Data Included in Filter Params

KeyPossible ValuesDescription
measurement_indexAny Positive IntegerAn index value that can be used to identify if a Blood Pressure and Pulse measurement with the same timestamp were captured in the same physical reading. Not globally unique across all physical readings.

Additional Parameters That Can be Set Via Device Properties

KeyPossible ValuesDescription
measurement_webhook_idWebhook UUIDSet this property to configure a Device to only send measurement data to a single Webhook (specified by that Webhook’s ID).