Unlinking Gateways from Devices
In order to deactivate a HWI device or re-use the attached Gateway with another HWI Device, you must first either delete the HWI device or Unlink the Gateway.
To use this endpoint, you must perform a GET request with the HWI Device id included in the URL. If it is successful, the HWI Device object will be returned with the hardware_uuid
field of the nested Device object set to null.
Deleting a Device vs Unlinking
As HWI Devices with a Fulfillment Request cannot be deleted once that Request has been fulfilled, it is recommended to use the unlink-gateways endpoint to deactivate devices, as it is guaranteed to always succeed.
A common scenario as to why a device cannot be deleted is that it has already left our fulfillment facility and has been collecting measurements from a patient already. In this instance you can unlink the device but not delete it.